F T Liu is a TUV-SUD certified management consultant, with 30 years of industry experience. He spent the first 6 years of his career in the factory in engineering, quality and manufacturing functions.
In 1991, FT launched his sales and marketing career in the HITECH industry with DuPont Electronics, first as a technical sales representative and then as director of product marketing. He was based in Taiwan for 2 years covering the Greater China market as the director of marketing for Temic Semiconductors, the electronics division of Daimler Benz, maker of Mercedes Benz. In 2000, he started a company helping MNCs leverage the Internet to market their products, processes and technology. From 2003, FT ventured into the supply chain management industry.
Since becoming a management consultant in 2014, FT has been involved in strategic planning projects with SATS, PSA, JTC, Shevron, LexBuild, Concorde Security, PaperSpace and TechSource, etc.
FT is the author of 4 business and engineering books – “The Soy Sauce Towkay”; “One Degree, Many Choices” [foreword by President Tony Tan]; “Thirty Years, Hundred Stories” [foreword by Prime Minister Lee] and “The Fairchild Singapore Plant” [foreword by Mr Chan Chin Bock, Third Chairman EDB]. He has a degree in Engineering (Honours) from NUS and a masters in Knowledge Management from NTU. He is also an ACTA certified trainer.